Vision and Mission
Our Vision
Lavalla Catholic College is a welcoming, inclusive community called to make Jesus known and loved through education in the Marist Tradition. With ‘Strong Minds and Compassionate Hearts’ we unite to inspire, journey with and prepare learners for life in our changing world.
Our Mission
In our daily actions we build positive relationships following the model of Jesus Christ.
We are inspired by the Marist Characteristics:
- Simplicity
- Love of Work
- In the Way of Mary
- Presence
- Family Spirit.
Families, staff and students work in partnership with the local and wider communities to create opportunities where all can flourish in safe and challenging learning environments.
Graduation Goals
Graduates of Lavalla Catholic College will strive to be:
- open to the journey of faith and to practise the Marist Characteristics
- stewards of our people, place, time and traditions
- adaptable resilient life-long learners
- responsible citizens
- respectful in building loving, inclusive relationships in the example of Jesus
- people who will celebrate all that is good
- people of compassion, integrity, dignity and hope.