Marist Characteristics
Our simplicity expresses itself primarily through contact with young people that are genuine and straightforward, undertaken without pretence or duplicity. We say what we believe, and demonstrate what we believe. Such simplicity is the fruit of a unity of mind and heart, of character and action that derives ultimately from being honest before ourselves and before our God.
Love of Work
Marcellin Champagnat was a man of work, a sworn enemy of laziness. Dogged effort and total confidence in God were characteristics of the way he educated himself; ministered to parishioners; founded his religious family and undertook all his projects. Marcellin, the builder, shows us the importance of being ready to ‘roll up our sleeves’, prepared to do whatever is needed for the sake of our mission, heart, and perseverance in our daily work as well as in the efforts we undertake for our ongoing education.
In the Way of Mary
Mary is for us the perfect model of the Marist educator, as she was for Marcellin. As woman and layperson, Jesus’ first follower, she inspires our personal faith. As educator of Jesus at Nazareth, she inspires our pedagogical approach.
We educate above all through being present to young people in ways that show that we care for them personally. We make time for them beyond merely professional contacts, getting to know each of them individually. We seek to establish relationships with them, founded on love, which create a climate for learning in an educational setting, for passing on values, and for personal growth.
Family Spirit
Champagnat’s great desire and legacy is that we relate to each other and to the young people in our care as the members of a loving family would intuitively do. We seek to make this a reality even in our more complex educational works.